PS3 -Linux上からのGPUクラックに成功

The hunt for HV's FIFO/Push buffer...

IronPeter Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:47 pm

I was able to run blit push buffer from the user land using fifo control regs.

There was some kind of protection. Very weak protection.

It works unstable for now, but it does work. Probably, it's possible to write some kind of 2D support ( stretched blits, color fills, etc ).

The main question is about 3D support. We need so-called "context objects" to be properly initalized. Probably, hypervisor does this work for us. All we need are handles ( and lpar_dma_reports contains something that looks like this handles ). To initialize these objects "by hands" we need to access to very special RSX registers, so called RAMIN area.

PS. I investigate RSX with only open-source information. I have no signed NDA with Sony or NVidia.

